RANW members are encouraged to get involved with the Association through participation on one or more of our various committees for which they qualify. Membership on a committee is for one year; extensions need to be considered annually. Committee members are appointed by the President with the Committee Chair in coordination with RANW Staff.
Special Events / Community Involvement
Special Events Committees
Each Committee plans and facilitates special events and programs at both the local and regional levels. These specialty committees promote events for local market areas in coordination with the staff liaison. Committee members are appointed by the President with the Committee Chair, also in coordination with staff.
Special Events Committees include:
- Special Events Committee (Make-A-Wish / Timber Rattlers Fundraiser)
- Fox Valley Golf Outing
- Green Bay Golf Outing
- Oshkosh Golf Outing
- Green Bay Holiday Party
- Fox Valley Holiday Party
Community Service Committee
Helps in organizing community service projects for your community to include: blood drives, food or clothing drives, tree planting, or assisting housing related organizations. Choose what’s best for your community and get involved.
Specialty Committees
- Appraiser Committees
A unified effort of the REALTOR® members who are Appraisers to focus on the needs of their specialty practice, and to further benefit Appraisal services. Committee will provide a forum to discuss areas of interest for appraisal services and will monitor, research and recommend to RANW, programs that will benefit Appraisers who are REALTORS®. - Commercial Council
Comprised of Commercial REALTOR® members servicing commercial interests and providing specialized service to commercial practitioners who are REALTORS®. Council will also provide a forum to discuss areas of interest for commercial specialists as well as monitor, research and recommend action to RANW on matters that affect commercial real estate. - Housing Advocacy
Engages the real estate industry in efforts to support public policy that promotes responsible, quality and cost-effective land development practices. They track, analyze and debate local government proposals that affect development and the housing industry. The Council recommends position papers for the Association which provide guidance on how to balance community growth and quality of life issues. In addition, they work collectively with RANW staff and other stakeholders to advocate on behalf of the real estate industry and private property rights. - Forms Committees
By invitation only, this committee creates and recommends the development of real estate forms in coordination with State Association. - Government Affairs Committee
Works closely with the Government Affairs Director to monitor and address issues such as the environment and Smart Growth in local markets. Educates members in the governmental process and promotes REALTOR® involvement. Monitors local and statewide real estate legislation introduced or contemplated, and develops and implements a network of concerned REALTORS® to write letters or attend hearings to support action favorable to the housing industry. Interviews local political candidates for possible endorsement or RPAC support. - New Member Orientation Committee
Plans, promotes, and instructs the New Member Orientation Program in accordance with Bylaws/Policies of the RANW. Programs are held quarterly at RANW. - Communications Committee
Develop and implement effective communication strategies that promote the association's goals, enhance member engagement, and provide accurate information to internal and external stakeholders. - MLS Committee
Designated REALTORS®/Brokers by invitation only discuss and implement changes/policies for the MLS database. - Young Professionals Network (YPN)
Brings together individuals who are early in their careers and provides them with opportunities for professional development, networking, and collaboration.
Association Governance
Due to RANW Policy, participation in the following committees are by appointment or election only.
- Bylaws / Policy Committee (by Executive Committee)
Reviews RANW and MLS Bylaws, Rules and Policies if needed, and ensures the documents are in compliance with national and state policies. When necessary, provides guidance at Board of Directors and Membership meetings to ensure compliance. - Executive Committee
Composed of the officers of the Association, i.e., President, President-Elect, Treasurer, immediate Past President and Executive Officer. The Past-President will have voting rights on the Executive Committee consistent with the voting rights on the Board of Directors. - Finance (appointed by Board of Directors)
Reviews with staff and recommends to the Board of Directors the annual budget for the Association. Reviews
financial statements and budget regularly with staff. The committee takes Recommendations to investments and
capital expenditures to the Board of Directors. - Recognition Committee
Solicits nominations for Excellence in Professionalism Awards, both REALTORS and Affiliates. Committee is comprised of four (4) past honorees from within the last two years, and three (3) “at large” members appointed by the President. *Must have received the EPA (Excellence in Professionalism Award in the past). - Strategic Planning Committee
Reviews, develops, prioritizes and monitors short and long-term Association goals. Develops and updates plan to include mission and Association competencies.